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laser welding machines most xtlaser


pyxar most


cat chemia

Technical chemistry

Welding Automation & Robotics

Welding Automation & Robotics

Accessories for gas cutting


Safety products

Safety products

Supportive equipment


Brazing and soldering consumables

Brazing and soldering consumables



Band sawing machines

Band sawing machines

Welding equipment

Welding equipment

cat most



Podsumowanie targów Metal Show & TIB w Bukareszcie







Nasza spółka zagraniczna RYWAL Romania, miała zaszczyt uczestniczyć w prestiżowych targach Metal Show & TIB, które odbyły się w dniach 14-17 maja 2024 w renomowanym Centrum Wystawienniczym Romexpo w Bukareszcie.

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WEARWELL - Platformy robocze Foundation

weawell foundation






WEARWELL - Platformy robocze Foundation. Sprawdź jakie korzyści przyniesie Tobie stosowanie mobilnych platform.

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Innowacyjne rozwiązania dla przemysłu: Nasza firma na Targach Przemysłowa Wiosna w Kielcach

orginalnosc 3m 135px

Po raz kolejny będziemy brać udział w Targach Przemysłowa Wiosna, które odbędą się w Kielcach 19-22 marca 2024 roku. W tym roku zaprezentujemy dwie ekspozycje, z których każda została starannie zaplanowana, aby dostarczyć innowacyjnych rozwiązań przemysłowych.

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Our Brands

GOLD - Golden connection

gold square

Under GOLD brand you can find many high quality welding consumables. 

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MOST - the brand which joins

cat most

Our own brand, designed especially for welding industry. High quality for reasonable prcies.

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We are a producer

We are a producer of high quality welding consumables and abrasive materials at reasonable price. We also own a bandsaws blades welding manufactury.

Please feel free to contact us.

Welding wire production plant in Łącko near Inowrocław.



Bonding of bandsaw blades in Lacko near Inowroclaw

Offer:  Bandsaw blades of various parameters for all kinds of band saws.


Manufacturing plant of abrasive materials in Mszana Dolna

 Offer: Abrasive materials of all kinds and destination.

mszana foto
mszana foto
mszana foto
mszana foto
mszana foto
mszana foto
mszana foto

słucahwki biale czarne 135

Słuchawki bezprzewodowe lub okulary ochronne UNIVET gratis przy zakupie ściernic linii PRO lub CERAMIC

most logo

Logo MOST pojawiło się już na wielu produktach takich jak:

  • materiały spawalnicze
  • urządzenia spawalnicze
  • akcesoria do urządzeń spawalniczych
  • materiały szlifierskie
  • środki chemii przemysłowej
  • urządzenia do cięcia gazowego
  • akcesoria do spawania gazowego
  • środki ochrony pracy
  • urządzenia filtrowentylacyjne
  • urządzenia do automatyzacji procesów spawania
  • przecinarki taśmowe


Na znak towarowy MOST posiadamy krajowe prawo ochronne udzielone przez Urząd Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz międzynarodowe prawo ochronne udzielone przez World Intellectual Property Organization.
Produkty MOST posiadają dopuszczenia wielu towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych, wymagane deklaracje i certyfikaty.


Chcesz zapoznać się z produktami pod marką MOST - zobacz produkty pod marką MOST

anna wysocka

Anna Wysocka


Od kilku lat wspieramy twórczość Pani Anny Wysockiej, która ukończyła studia na Wydziale Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu w 1999 roku, a od 2013 jest doktorem habilitowanym w zakresie sztuk plastycznych. Obecnie pracuje jako adiunkt w Zakładzie Malarstwa na Wydziale Sztuk Pięknych UMK. Jest członkiem Związku Polskich Artystów Plastyków Okręgu Warszawskiego. Tworzy obrazy, obiekty, rzeźby i płaskorzeźby w technice własnej. 

Zachęcamy wszystkich do zapoznania się z twórczością Pani Anny, gdyż stanowi ona ciekawe połączenie sztuki współczesnej z technologiami przemysłowymi.

Z Panią Anną mieliśmy okazję tworzyć nasze stoisko podczas targów Schweissen und Schneiden 2013 w Essen.



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§ 1. Scope of application

1. The “General Sales Conditions” (hereinafter called “GSC”) specified herein shall constitute the general conditions for agreements as stipulated in Art. 384 of the Polish Civil Code with regard to sales and delivery contracts and other agreements concluded by “RYWAL-RHC” Sp. z o.o., with its principal place of business in Warsaw, at ul. Odlewnicza 4, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the Regional Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 13th Economic Division, under the KRS number (National Court Register):  37174; NIP (Taxpayer Identification Number) : PL9511998317; REGON: 017180279; BDO: 000008062; Share capital: PLN 60 929 452,50 (hereinafter called: “RYWAL”) with entrepreneurs (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”). The contents of GSC are available on RYWAL’s website .

2. GSC shall constitute an integral part of agreements and be applicable in their full scope, unless decided otherwise by the Parties in a written form, under pain of nullity. GSC shall also be effective for the future agreements and activities, even if it is not specifically agreed by the Parties.

3. Proposals put forward by RYWAL, in particular information and data included in the catalogues, prospects, pricelists, shall not constitute offers as understood in Art. 66 § 1 of the Polish Civil Code, if not specifically referred to as such in a given document.

4. Any general agreement conditions applied by the Purchaser shall not be binding for RYWAL nor shall become a part of the Agreement, unless specifically accepted by RYWAL in writing, under pain of nullity. Each time the Purchaser shall agree that in the case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between their conditions of purchase and GSC, only the latter shall apply. Lack of objections, realization of delivery or service provision by RYWAL shall not be interpreted as approval of the other Party’s commercial conditions.

5. In case of any doubts the commercial clauses shall be interpreted in accordance with INCOTERMS 2010.


§ 2. Agreement Conclusion

1. An agreement shall be concluded after signing a sales agreement document by both Parties or at the moment of confirming by RYWAL order acceptance.

2. An order placed by the Purchaser shall specify in detail the type of ordered goods, quantity, delivery place, with the Purchaser’s legible signature and specification of their position and contact data allowing RYWAL to confirm order acceptance, as well as data necessary for the issuance of a VAT invoice by RYWAL.

3. Orders shall be made in a written form and sent to RYWAL’s address:  ul.Polna 140B; 87-100 Toruń, or via fax to the number 0048 56 66 93 805, or via electronic mail to the address indicated by the contact person.

4. RYWAL shall confirm order acceptance within 3 week days from the date of its reception in the same form as the placed order. In the case of a lack of confirmation of order acceptance by RYWAL within the said 3 week days, it shall mean that the contents of an order have not been accepted and, thus, the agreement between RYWAL and the Purchaser is not concluded. The Purchaser shall be entitled to introduce changes in the placed order until the time of receiving order acceptance by RYWAL, and after that period only on condition that RYWAL issues within 3 week days a written consent to such changes, in pain of nullity.

5. RYWAL shall specify in order acceptance order price and the bank account number to which prepayment should be made by the Purchaser, or any other agreed kind of payment, order realization period and place of delivery.


§ 3. Order realization

1. Deliveries shall be made based on EXW conditions.

2. RYWAL, if possible, shall make the ordered goods available for the Purchaser in the warehouse situated nearest to the place indicated by the Purchaser. The list of RYWALS’s warehouses constitutes an appendix hereto and is also available at the company’s website .

3. The costs and risks related to loading shall be the Purchaser’s liability.

4. Any benefits and burdens, as well as the risk of damage and loss of the goods shall be from the moment of delivery the liability of the Purchaser.

5. The Purchaser shall be obliged to collect the goods from RYWAL’s warehouse in the period indicated by RYWAL. Failure in the collection of goods in the indicated period and within the following 2 week days shall entitle RYWAL to charge the Purchaser with undifferentiated storage costs amounting to EUR 1 / per palette for each started day of delay.

6. RYWAL shall be entitled to carry out orders in parts, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in the agreement.

7. Samples, sample batches and materials shall become the Purchaser’s property at the moment of their delivery, unless otherwise agreed in writing.


§ 4. Order realization period

1. The condition for the timely order realization by RYWAL in accordance with the placed order shall be the availability of the ordered goods on the date of order placement. If due to the lack of goods ordered by the Purchaser on the date of order placement it is not possible to deliver the goods in the period agreed by the Parties, RYWAL shall carry out the order immediately after receiving the supply of the ordered goods or in the period agreed by the Parties. RYWAL shall inform the Purchaser of the lack of goods on the date of order placement and the planned order realization date in order acceptance confirmation.

2. Order realization periods shall be counted from the moment of transfer of the agreed prepayment to the bank account indicated by RYWAL, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

3. Unpunctual order realization by RYWAL shall entitle the Purchaser to terminate the agreement only if already an additional order realization period has been set in a written form.


§ 5. Prices

1. Prices determined in the agreement shall not be altered during its entire validity period, without prejudice to sec. 2 below.

2. Any increase or decrease of prices may be introduced only after a prior consultation between the parties and obtaining their written consent.

3. Unless otherwise stated by the Parties herein, prices specified in the agreement shall include transportation packaging costs, labelling and rendering the goods available for the Purchaser.

4. Prices indicated in the agreement shall be net prices, which should be increased by the payable VAT tax or other taxes being in consent with the law on taxes or statutory liabilities, in the amount effective on the date of issuance of a VAT invoice.

5. The costs of preparation and delivery of samples, sample batches and materials shall be covered by the Purchaser, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.


§ 6. Invoicing and Payments

1. The goods shall be delivered by RYWAL together with a VAT invoice confirming the Purchaser’s settlement of payment for the delivered goods.

2. The Purchaser shall immediately inform RYWAL of any errors in the received invoice (e.g. wrong price), lacking data (e.g. the Purchaser’s Taxpayer Identification Number) or in the situation when the invoice should concern goods different from the goods ordered by the Purchaser.


§ 7. RYWAL’s liability

1. Unless otherwise regulated by GSC, RYWAL shall be liable for the payment of compensation in the case of violation of significant contractual obligations only in the case of RYWAL’s deliberate actions or gross negligence. In other cases RYWAL’s liability shall be excluded.

2. RYWAL shall deliver to the Purchaser a warranty document together with the goods specifying the principles and scope of liabilities for the possible defects found in the goods – if such a document has been issued by the goods’ producer.

3. Any RYWAL’s liability different from the liability specified herein shall be excluded.


§ 8. Force Majeure

1. Neither of the Parties shall be responsible for the delay in order realization or complete or partial non- performance caused by force majeure. In the case of any incident defined as an act of Force Majeure, the Party concerned shall be obliged to immediately inform of it the other Party in writing and undertake any reasonable actions in order to avoid its possible effects.

2. The occurrence of the said circumstances related to Force Majeure shall not constitute a reason justifying refusal of payment for the already delivered goods.

3. Should any circumstances regarding the occurrence of Force Majeure directly affect a Party’s ability to fulfill its obligations in due time, the period specified in the agreement for the fulfillment of those obligations shall be appropriately prolonged by the time of occurrence of the said incident.

4. Force Majeure shall mean any external incident of extraordinary nature which the Parties could not have prevented or predicted and for the occurrence of which the Parties cannot be blamed.


§. 9 Termination of the Agreement

1. Each of the Parties shall have the right to immediate termination of the agreement with prior written notification addressed to the other Party, if:

a. the other Party’s activity has been liquidated or interrupted;

b. the other Party has proven the occurrence of Force Majeure the duration of which exceeds 30 days;

c. performance of the agreement is not possible due to an alteration in the effective legal regulations.


§ 10. Final provisions

1. Any alterations made in GSC shall require written form, in pain of nullity.

2. Inconsistency with the law, invalidity or unfeasibility of any of the provisions included in GSC shall not have any effect on the conformity with the law, validity and feasibility of the other provisions stipulated in GSC.

3. In the case of any discrepancies between the agreement and GSC, the provisions stipulated in the agreement shall prevail.

4. In matters not regulated by the agreement and GSC, suitable provisions of the Polish Civil Code shall apply, as well as other effective regulations of the Polish law.

5. The Parties hereby declare that they shall pursue amicable and out-of-court resolution of any disputes arising between them in relation to agreement performance or interpretation of its provisions.

6. It is deemed that an out-of-court resolution of a dispute shall not be possible if the Parties fail to reach an agreement within 30 days since the delivery of the first notification to the other Party concerned with the said dispute.

7. In the case when an out-of-court resolution of a dispute is not possible, the dispute shall be submitted to the Polish Court of Law with regard to RYWAL’s principal place of business.

grupa 1


Welcome to the website of RYWAL-RHC, Polish market leader in welding. For almost 30 years, the specialty of our offer are the materials and welding equipment, as well as abrasive materials and accessories, personal protective eqipment and many other goods and equipment in the field of joining and cutting metal using heat.

We manufacture equipment and materials under our own brand MOST and distribute welding equipment of world known brands, so we are sure that our product range stands out for its reliability and high class. We are happy to advise you which welding consumables are appropriate, and what welding equipment should be used in a particular process.

If you are interested in a professional welding machine, technical chemistry, abrasives or other goods from the welding industry, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our proposals, and our service.

certyfikat iso 175

EN ISO 9001:2015 / EN ISO 14001:2015

The "RYWAL - RHC" company's mission  is to achieve total customer satisfaction through specialization in comprehensive sales service in the whole area of processes, in which the joining and cutting of materials with the use of heat take place.

The „RYWAL – RHC” Board, being aware of the impact of the company on the environment, made a commitment to ongoing and planned reduce the negative impact on the environment. This includes preventing pollution and meeting applicable regulatory requirements and other requirements relating to the Company, to which it has committed and which relate to its environmental aspects.

In order to maintain and deepen gained the customers' trust, the Board is committed to continuous improvement of products quality and care for the environment, taking into account the needs and expectations of other interested party while meeting legal requirements and standards.

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grupa 3

The biggest network of welding stores

"RYWAL-RHC Group" makes the biggest network of welding stores in Europe, and it consists of polish industry companies RYWAL-RHC Sp. z o.o., INTEGRATOR RHC Sp. z o.o., Elkrem Sp. z o.o., Platforma Filtrowentylacyjna Sp. z o. o., Towimor S.A., as well as foreign companies: SOLIK SK in Slovakia, RYWAL-LT in Lithuania, RIVAL-SVARKA Belarus, RME Middle East FZCO in UAE and RYWAL-RHC Romania SRL.

grupa 4

Knowledge based on experience


Trust our commercial and technical advisor, and we will prepare solutions tailored to your needs.

Welding Vademecum:

Instructional videos and product videos on our YouTube channel.

bezpieczne daneWe respect your privacy!
We care about your personal data, please be with us.

Information about the processing of personal data

Dear User,

From 25th May, 2018 due to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). We want you to know what data we process and on what basis. Below you will find detailed information on this topic. Please familiarize yourself with them, then specify the data you want to share with us and give your consent by clicking the "I Agree" button.

Remember that you can always withdraw consent or change the scope of data by clicking the settings icon in the bottom left corner of the browser.


What kind of data do we collect?

Most of the data we collect is completely anonymous, but it can also be data about the device you use, the browser version, subpages that you visit and what you are looking for on our site. In the case of checking marketing consent, it may be personal data such as IP, e-mail address or links to profiles on social networks.


Who will be the administrator of your data?

The administrator of your data is RYWAL-RHC Sp. z o.o., ul. Odlewnicza 4, 03-231 Warszawa, Poland TaxID: PL9511998317.


Why do we want to process your data?

Above all, to provide you with ever better content and a better and better experience of using our website. How is this possible?

Analyzing, for example, what you are looking for on the website, we know what you need and we do everything to find it with us quickly and easily. By analyzing the time spent on the website, we know if the article was interesting or not.

More information you can find in our privacy policy.


Do we provide your personal data to someone?

We may only disclose your data to specialized companies in our capital group and only for purposes closely related to your needs, as well as entities authorized to obtain data under applicable law, e.g. courts or law enforcement bodies - only if the request is based on a relevant legal basis. The companies that optimize the website's operation may also have access to your company's data. However these companies do not have our consent to the processing of these data for purposes other than the implementation of our orders.


What can you do with your personal data?

You have the right to access your data, change them, limit processing and submit a request to delete them. You can also change the scope of the data you want to share with us, withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, transfer your data to other administrators, you also have the right to be forgotten by us if it does not conflict with other rights, eg in connection with the implementation of contracts or the need to store accounting documents. More information in our privacy policy.


On what basis do we want to process your data?

The basis for the processing of your data is each time your consent, but in some cases also the need to implement contracts and legitimate interest of the data administrator, for example, processing data for the purposes of own marketing.

In the case of data processing for marketing purposes, i.e., among other things, profiling will take place with your consent, which you express by accepting marketing consent in the settings.

In the case of data processing for purposes of communication with you, we will ask you for your consent on the contact form or for subscribing to the newsletter.


How long do we keep your data?

We will remind you about the storage of your data after 90 days from the previous visit. You will then be able to decide what you want to do with them. However, the data that we receive from you will be kept indefinitely, because thanks to historical data we will be able to better analyze the changes in your preferences.



Please read the above information. Then please agree to the processing of these data by clicking the Agree button.


Remember that you can withdraw your consent or change the scope of the data you want to share with us at any time.


Cookies files

They are a very important element for us. Thanks to them we have the opportunity to improve website security, attractiveness for users and speed of its operation. We recommend leaving this option enabled.

Marketing consent

By agreeing to the processing of data for marketing purposes, we will be able to present you offers or ads better suited to your shopping preferences and also require active cookies. The data that is processed is information about your approximate location, the device you use, the subpages that you visit and the information you are looking for on our site. We will be very pleased if you consent to the processing of your data for these purposes, remember that you can withdraw your consent at any time.

If you have questions or concerns, write to us at We will answer your questions. You can also clear cookies on this page at any time, by clicking here (it will reload page).

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