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Podsumowanie udziału RYWAL-RHC w Międzynarodowych Targach Spawalniczych ExpoWelding 2024

expo welidng 135Międzynarodowe Targi Spawalnicze ExpoWelding 2024 w Katowicach były dla naszej firmy wyjątkowym wydarzeniem, które umożliwiło nam zaprezentowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań oraz nawiązanie nowych, wartościowych relacji z klientami i partnerami biznesowymi.

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Podsumowanie targów Metal Show & TIB w Bukareszcie


Nasza spółka zagraniczna RYWAL Romania, miała zaszczyt uczestniczyć w prestiżowych targach Metal ...

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WEARWELL - Platformy robocze Foundation

weawell foundation

WEARWELL - Platformy robocze Foundation. Sprawdź jakie korzyści przyniesie Tobie stosowanie ...

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Our Brands

GOLD - Golden connection

gold square

Under GOLD brand you can find many high quality welding consumables. 

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MOST - the brand which joins

cat most

Our own brand, designed especially for welding industry. High quality for reasonable prcies.

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We are a producer

We are a producer of high quality welding consumables and abrasive materials at reasonable price. We also own a bandsaws blades welding manufactury.

Please feel free to contact us.

Welding wire production plant in Łącko near Inowrocław.


Bonding of bandsaw blades in Lacko near Inowroclaw

Offer:  Bandsaw blades of various parameters for all kinds of band saws.

Manufacturing plant of abrasive materials in Mszana Dolna

 Offer: Abrasive materials of all kinds and destination.

See all

We hereby inform that from 23-05-2022 the address of our service support for welding machines has changed.

Devices for repair should be sent to the addresses:


General rules, in case of any problems regarding the repair of welding and cutting equipment:

1. Before you send us products, please contact correct ESP, we will try to solve the issue remotly, if not possible, we will proceed further steps.

2. You may be asked to send equipment for repairing to correct ESP, if so, please fill the forms attached below.

3. Support operates Monday - Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00 CET.

4. Communication will be proceed in English.

Thank you! 


ESP for welding machines:



phone: +48 81 44 50 160

phone: +48 81 44 50 161


Shipping address:

RYWAL-RHC Oddział Lublin- Serwis

ul. A. Walentynowicz 18

20-328 Lublin, Poland




ESP for welding torches:



phone: +48 58 768 20 00


Shipping address:

RYWAL-RHC Oddział Gdańsk – Serwis

Ul. Budowlanych 19

80-298 Gdańsk, Poland



Forms for shipping:

Notification of repair (DOC)

Instruction for shipping equipment (DOC)


Zapraszamy na naszą nową stronę  - platformę zgłoszeń serwisowych - SERWIS RYWAL-RHC.


Grupa RYWAL-RHC oferuje kompleksowe usługi serwisowe – gwarancyjne i pogwarancyjne, urządzeń spawalniczych, szlifierskich i tnących. Serwisujemy także spawalniczy osprzęt gazowy – palniki i reduktory.

Świadczymy również usługi przeglądów okresowych w/w urządzeń w ramach programu „Bezpieczeństwo” zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 27.04.2001 w sprawie BHP przy pracach spawalniczych.

Nasi pracownicy są wysokiej klasy specjalistami z uprawnieniami energetycznymi i gazowymi. Wiedza teoretyczna jest u nich poparta długoletnią praktyką. Inwestujemy w ich ciągły rozwój zapewniając uczestnictwo w specjalistycznych szkoleniach.

Serwisujemy wszystkie urządzenia zakupione w naszej Firmie a także urządzenia zakupione w innych miejscach z racji posiadanych autoryzacji serwisowych wielu producentów.

Zapewniamy opiekę serwisową na terenie całego kraju, transport i krótki czas naprawy. Na indywidualne życzenie zapewniamy urządzenie zastępcze na czas naprawy. Nasi serwisanci udzielają pomocy w doborze właściwych urządzeń oraz ich obsługi.

Potrzebujesz pomocy? Skontaktuj się z najbliższym serwisem.


W celu sprawnego przeprowadzania:

  • Napraw gwarancyjnych,
  • Obsługi pogwarancyjnej,
  • Stałych umów serwisowych,
  • Skorzystania z pakietu “Bezpieczeństwo” - kompleksowe przeglądy i prowadzenie wymaganej przepisami dokumentacji,
  • Modernizacji i remontów,
  • Badań bezpieczników gazowych,
  • Skupu i komisu urządzeń używanych,
  • Doradztwa technicznego,
  • Dzierżawy urządzeń,
  • Elektrycznych pomiarów ochronnych.

Zapraszamy na naszą platformę zgłoszeń serwisowych - SERWIS RYWAL-RHC.



RYWAL-RHC Group offers complex maintenance services (warranty and after-warranty repairs) welding, grinding and cutting. We service also the welding equipment gas - burners and reducers.

We also provide periodic inspections mentioned above devices under the "Security" in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 27.04.2001 on health and safety at work welding.

We are experienced in servicing of welding and abrasive equipment. Our service department is based on highly skilled specialists, with great knowledge and experience. We invest in their development by securing all necessary trainings and courses.

We offer help in choosing the welding equipment proper to our customer needs. We service all equipment which was bought in our network of Welding Shops as well as equipment not sold by us, however manufactured by producers which authorization we have.

We secure transportation and care all over the Poland and short time of repairs and for individual request we provide alternate equipment.


We offer:

• Warranty repairs

• post-warranty services

• Fixed service contracts

• Package "Security" - complete overhauls and carrying out the required documentation regulations

• The modernization and repairs

• Research fuse gas

• Purchase and consignment of equipment used

• Technical consultancy

• Rent equipment

• Electrical protective measures

 If you have any questions regarding equipment repairs, please contact with the closest Export Service Point.






grupa 1


Welcome to the website of RYWAL-RHC, Polish market leader in welding. For almost 30 years, the specialty of our offer are the materials and welding equipment, as well as abrasive materials and accessories, personal protective eqipment and many other goods and equipment in the field of joining and cutting metal using heat.

We manufacture equipment and materials under our own brand MOST and distribute welding equipment of world known brands, so we are sure that our product range stands out for its reliability and high class. We are happy to advise you which welding consumables are appropriate, and what welding equipment should be used in a particular process.

If you are interested in a professional welding machine, technical chemistry, abrasives or other goods from the welding industry, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our proposals, and our service.

certyfikat iso 175

EN ISO 9001:2015 / EN ISO 14001:2015

The "RYWAL - RHC" company's mission  is to achieve total customer satisfaction through specialization in comprehensive sales service in the whole area of processes, in which the joining and cutting of materials with the use of heat take place.

The „RYWAL – RHC” Board, being aware of the impact of the company on the environment, made a commitment to ongoing and planned reduce the negative impact on the environment. This includes preventing pollution and meeting applicable regulatory requirements and other requirements relating to the Company, to which it has committed and which relate to its environmental aspects.

In order to maintain and deepen gained the customers' trust, the Board is committed to continuous improvement of products quality and care for the environment, taking into account the needs and expectations of other interested party while meeting legal requirements and standards.

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grupa 3

The biggest network of welding stores

"RYWAL-RHC Group" makes the biggest network of welding stores in Europe, and it consists of polish industry companies RYWAL-RHC Sp. z o.o., INTEGRATOR RHC Sp. z o.o., Elkrem Sp. z o.o., Platforma Filtrowentylacyjna Sp. z o. o., Towimor S.A., as well as foreign companies: SOLIK SK in Slovakia, RYWAL-LT in Lithuania, RIVAL-SVARKA Belarus, RME Middle East FZCO in UAE and RYWAL-RHC Romania SRL.

grupa 4

Knowledge based on experience


Trust our commercial and technical advisor, and we will prepare solutions tailored to your needs.

Welding Vademecum:

Instructional videos and product videos on our YouTube channel.