Inwestuj w maszyny – my znajdziemy fundusze! Chcesz kupić maszyny od RYWAL-RHC? Dzięki DUE Consulting (naszemu partnerowi) uzyskasz do 70% wsparcia finansowego – gwarancja skuteczności 100%, decyzja do 30 dni, nabór w trybie ciągłym.
Read more ...Międzynarodowe Targi Spawalnicze ExpoWelding 2024 w Katowicach były dla naszej firmy wyjątkowym wydarzeniem, które umożliwiło nam zaprezentowanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań oraz nawiązanie nowych, wartościowych relacji z klientami i partnerami biznesowymi.
Nasza spółka zagraniczna RYWAL Romania, miała zaszczyt uczestniczyć w prestiżowych targach Metal Show & TIB, które odbyły się w dniach 14-17 maja 2024 w renomowanym Centrum Wystawienniczym Romexpo w Bukareszcie.
Read more ...Under GOLD brand you can find many high quality welding consumables.
Read more ...Our own brand, designed especially for welding industry. High quality for reasonable prcies.
Read more ...We are a producer of high quality welding consumables and abrasive materials at reasonable price. We also own a bandsaws blades welding manufactury.
Please feel free to contact us.
Offer: Bandsaw blades of various parameters for all kinds of band saws.
Offer: Abrasive materials of all kinds and destination.
All our regulators are suitable for working with inlet pressure of about 200 bar (20 MPa) and keep the inlet pressure at a constant level set by the user. The setting of working pressure is simple and accurate.
Regulators meet all the requirements PN-EN ISO 2503 standard following all safety demands of applied material, quality control and work performance.
A regulator safety valve located behind the manometer improves the overall safety of working conditions.
Each regulator is equipped with an outlet valve. The working pressure only needs to be set once and the valve must be closed during working breaks.
The gas regulator
The unique construction of the reduction valve increases the gas regulator lifetime and stability. The reduction valve is situated in a specially designed capsule crowned with a very precise filter, which is made of sintered powders of micro porous structure preventing dust, metal fillings, and other impurities that may cause lower tightness of the valve.
Advantages of MOST regulators with:
Catalogue No. |
Gas Typee |
Max. inlet gas pressure |
Working pressure range |
Max. flow |
Nut thread at inlet |
Nut thread at outlet |
Hose end |
Characteristic |
62 35 000100 |
Red MOST |
Acetylene |
25 bar |
0-1,5 bar |
5 m3/h |
Shackle |
G 3/8LH |
8 mm |
One stage regulator |